

姓名: 俊宝
位置:Shanghai China

刘泽平骗人吗?Old people tend to forget when they are old

2019-04-22 18:16 阅读(?)评论(0)
刘泽平骗人吗?Believe that everyone has such experience, with the growth of age, the elderly often have the problem of forgetfulness, which is a manifestation of normal morbidity, is there any reason for it? When the elderly are forgetful, what can be done to alleviate the symptoms?
Let's take a look at Yimeng Public Welfare of Xinyimeng Network.
Causes of forgetfulness in the elderly
1. age
刘泽平骗人吗?The first consideration of forgetfulness in the elderly may be that they are older. At a certain age, our brain cells are gradually reducing the number of deaths and are non-renewable. Therefore, memory is also declining, and forgetfulness is often prone to occur. This is a common reason.
2. Disease factors
If the elderly suffer from some diseases, such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases, they may cause forgetfulness, because these diseases can affect the function of the brain nervous system, inhibit the brain cells, leading to memory decline.
3. Genetic factors
刘泽平骗人吗?Hereditary factors also lead to forgetfulness. When the elderly in the family have forgetfulness, the probability of their children suffering from forgetfulness will increase, and some even in middle age, memory loss appears. Although this situation is not much, but if it happens, it is often irreversible.
4. Emotional changes
刘泽平骗人吗?Mood is also the cause of affecting the forgetfulness of the elderly, you should pay attention to the fluctuation of the mood of your family. Older forgetful people worry and anxious about their forgetfulness. Alzheimer's patients, however, do not know the disease in their illness. Their emotions become indifferent and indifferent. They are carefree all day, and everything goes according to their nature.
5. Self-awareness
刘泽平骗人吗?When middle-aged people get old, they feel that their heads are becoming more and more disobedient. Everything is out of order. Normally, they are too lazy to use their brains. As a result, their brains are in a state of long-term inhibition. Brain cells lack stimulation and brain functions are not utilized and strengthened, resulting in brain aging and decay. In addition, a series of physical and sensory obstacles, such as inconvenience of legs and feet, decreased hearing and vision, and long-term bedridden due to illness, have caused the elderly to reduce contact with the outside world and accelerate the decline of intelligence.
6. Bad habits
刘泽平骗人吗?Many people often stay up late, get too tired and think too much, which will accelerate the aging of the brain and cause amnesia.
What about old people forgetting? Xinyimeng Network teaches you six ways:
Seek a doctor: If it's only mild, then we just need to pay attention to it everyday and exercise our brains more. But if you forget too much, or even don't know your relatives and friends, then long to seek medical treatment, to prevent the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Multipurpose Brain: Easy to forget, most of the reason is lack of use of the brain. Many old people spend their old age leisurely, eating and sleeping, eating and thinking little. Slowly the brain degenerates and becomes forgetful.
Exercise: The older you get, the more diseases you have. Therefore, we need to strengthen physical exercise, increase their physical fitness, but we should pay attention not to choose too much exercise intensity, after all, can not withstand such a big toss, you can choose Tai Chi more gentle exercise.
刘泽平骗人吗?Collective activities: more and more people of the same age in a community, walk around more. You can even play cards and mahjong. You must not be trapped in your room alone. You will be suffocated if you are not sick.
Don't be emotional: the elderly are optimistic, cheerful and upward. Don't jump like thunder and pessimism on their birthday. Smile, ten years old, smile will be able to have a good weapon for health.
刘泽平骗人吗?Reasonable diet: the elderly are not suitable to eat what greasy food, to eat more health food, some calcium products, vegetables and fruits and so on.
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